CS WIND Offshore News

Last Load out and Sail Away of Sandbank

The Sandbank project is now done, and last week the last load out from our production facilities in Aalborg took place. The project began in 2014, and has, according to schedule, been ongoing for nearly a year and a half.

20 April 2016

The Sandbank project is now done, and last week the last load out from our production facilities in Aalborg took place. The project began in 2014, and has, according to schedule, been ongoing for nearly a year and a half.

Friday morning, load out of the substation took place, while load out of the Jacket foundation happened Saturday morning. Sail away for installation in the Sandbank offshore wind park in the North Sea by the German coastline took place early this morning.

Bladt’s part of the project includes design, construction and installation (EPCI contract) of the 1,700 tonnes heavy jacket, four piles of 1,050 tonnes in total and a substation with a total weight of 2,250 tonnes.

Bladt has also delivered 72 transition pieces (part of the foundation) onto which the offshore wind turbines are to be installed. Loadout of the TP’s took place last year.

Bladt Industries is satisfied with the result of the project, which has progressed very nicely and is ready for sail away and installation according to schedule.

About Sandbank Offshore Wind

The Sandbank offshore wind farm is the second largest offshore wind farm project undertaken by Vattenfall in collaboration with Stadtwerke München.

The Sandbank project area is located 90 kilometres off the coast of Sylt in the German North Sea and is therefore not visible either from land or from the islands just off the coast.